Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Universal Studios

We spent several days in Los Angeles and went to Universal Studios.
Transformers will be coming soon!
Family picture so rare.
This guy was so tall.
The water show it was goodand even better at night with the fireworks.
The donkey was so funny joking with Skyler
Marilyn and her dancers.
Tom loves the Blues Brothers.
On the tour and enjoying the different movie locations.
Hunter with Scobby doo.
Skyler with the Blues Brothers car.
Looking at the view.

We went on the Simpsons ride and it was tons of fun and we laughed so hard. The more we do these theme parks we realize that Tom just can't take the rides anymore. Ever since he had his heat stroke and got vertigo he gets motion sickness. So it's the kids and me that take most of them. We all went on the Jurassic Park ride, it was enjoyable and wet. I was expecting a big drop and was disappointed. The mummy ride was great. So unexpected as you go forward and then all of a sudden you go backwards. I love going places with the kids and Tom and with such beautiful weather it doesn't matter what or where we went or did.

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