Sunday, August 16, 2009

FIRSTS..... now gone

The first day of school has come and gone. The first week too!
Skyler is now a freshman in 9th grade. WHAT!! Where did the time go?
Hunter is in 6th grade. She is now queen of the hill.
You will notice this year has come and gone with no pictures. WHY you might ask? They are to BIG for pictures. They informed me that I no longer need to document their first day like when they were in kindergarten.... WHAT..... Since when did they get so big that mom can no longer take that priceless picture to forever sit in a box or now on the computer.
I have to say I am so sad that they won that battle thus far but their is always next week.


Gail said...

I can't believe you, of all people let them get away with that. I just don't give my kids an option, so they just smile and get it over with:)..
Your Lake Tahoe trip looks like it was fabulous! I didn't even know you guys were close? What a fun thing to do for a couples trip.

Brea said...

I can't believe that you let them get away with that! haha :) Even Brint allowed me to not only take one but multiple pictures of him on his first day of school and post them on facebook! Tell Hunter and Skyler that he is 28 and what a good example he is for them! :)