Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Knee Surgery

Skyler had his big day of knee surgery.
He was more happy to not hurt than scared at this point in time.

 He had just gotten the IV and was none to thrilled with this part of the morning.
After the meds were administered he was so out of it. He made us laugh lots before they wheeled him back.
 Skyler after his  surgery. . He had what they call pedunculated osteochondroma.  A fancy name for an extra bone growth.  The Doctor removed this and it was the size of a walnut,  larger than he had originally expected.

Skyler was so funny in recovery. He was saying crazy things and kept asking if he was signing a coconut song??  Not that we heard, maybe the doctors were during surgery.
 After a week we took off the wraps and he was able to walk so much better. He said that the pressure he had felt in his knee and leg was relieved from surgery and it felt wonderful not to have that cutting into his IT band.

 It has been 3 weeks since the surgery and it is healing nicely. It was swollen and bruised.
But now it is just a scar. Now to just get back to the normal of jogging and running.
I think his wrestling days are over as he will have a hard time getting back to level in time for the season.
Between his knee and his shoulder I think he will be  great at routing on his team mates.