Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Hunter has worked very hard and has a goal to make honor roll every quarter.
She has done this since 4th grade.
This year she was inducted into NJHS. (National Junior Honors Society)
It was so wonderful to see her achieve her goal.
This is not easy for her and yet she strives and works hard at her studies.
She has proven that even with a processing disorder it is possible to achieve and over come your disability.
Keep up the GREAT work..
We are so proud of you!!!!!


This is Skylers's foot after trying to get that dang WART to go away.
He had it Froze and as you will see it did not work!

He hates needles and so this was the last resort for him.
It had to be removed and it was huge. Compared to when it first came up like a pen tip.
Now it is the size of a nickel.

As the doctor was trying to numb it, he stuck the needle into the wart and it spit the fluid right back at him. SO gross. Glad he is a friend and was cool with it. Poor Skyler I thought for sure he was going to lose it. He did so good.

This is where he was burning it out or cauterizing it so it would not bleed all over the place.
This had to have been the sickest grossest smell ever. It is burning flesh... HORRID

This is his foot after all the scraping and digging and burning are done.
After several months, his foot is healed with no more hole in it. Amazing how our bodies just heal and close up.
Now I just hope he never gets another one of those gross planters warts again.


Girlfriends are the best!!!!
We took this picture on Sunday at church.. They were all excited to talk with their missionary sons. I was excited that I have 3 more years to enjoy or go crazy with my son before he leaves on his mission.
It was a great Mothers Day as I received flowers from Kim and her family and a sweet card from Jewel and her family. Tom made breakfast and dinner and they gave me a great relaxing day. With some bonus gifts that every mom loves.
So grateful for my family love them all!!!!!