Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Battle of the Books

Hunter, Julia and Shelby won their last battle to become BACK TO BACK champions!!
They were the first class to achieve this honor.
So by winning for their school they were able to go to district. (Last year they missed advancing at District by 2 points). This year they scored a perfect score and the top 4 teams transferred to the Regional Battle. Their were 4 perfect teams this year.

Now it s off to District for these girls. Thanks Mrs. K for all your help with the battle.
These girls have worked hard & long going over questions and facts from 12 books.
I am amazed at how well they work together and remember all the details from each book. They did a great job.

GOOD LUCK on your next battle.

Shelby, Mrs. K, Julia, Hunter


The girls were out again!
We went to see 39 Steps, had no idea what it was about , but hey were out with girlfriends. How bad could it be?
Cyndy did a great job in picking this one. It was one of the funniest plays I have ever been to. Their were only 4 people in this play.
We sat on the first row right in front of the stage. We had the best seats. We could see everything! When I say everything I mean everything!! The sweat, the spit you name it. At one point I asked if we were at the Sea World show & should have brought our clear plastic. The two guys reminded me of Tim Conway & Harvey Korman from the Carol Burnett Show. I know most of you will not know who I am talking about.

Thanks girls for a great night out and lots of laughter!

State Bowling Championship

Hunters team made State for bowling. These girls were so excited.
They placed 2nd in the qualifying round.
These girls bowled the best they could, some way over their averages and some not so much. But like a team they encouraged one another and never gave up hope or the effort to do their best. In the end they were 6th in the semi finals. They did not get to move on, however they did a great job. So proud of you Hunter.

This was Hunter receiving her trophy for THE PEPSI TOURNAMENT that she bowled in. It was a singles event and she place 2nd. Not to bad for her first time going solo.